Rademaker Universal Pastry Line: Unlocking Efficient Production of High-Quality Pastries

Rademaker Universal Pastry Line: Unlocking Efficient Production of High-Quality Pastries

Discover the Rademaker Bread Line

Meeting the Growing Demands of the Middle Eastern Baking Industry The baking industry in the Middle East is witnessing rapid growth and innovation. As semi- and industrial bakeries strive to meet the diverse demands of consumers, they require advanced solutions that offer both variety and quality. The demand for bread products is expanding, and for […]


Laminated products like croissants and puff pastries are gaining popularity worldwide. Each region of the world has its own laminated products and, consequently, unique characteristics. In some parts of the world, especially in the Middle East and Asia, there is a demand for products with a long shelf life. This is why croissants and pastries […]


Rademaker develops and provides industrial bakery equipment, systems and solutions for the food processing industry. We have been in the bakery industry for over 40 years and therefore created a wide knowledge about food products and their production technology. INDUSTRIAL BAKERY EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS We are a world wide supplier of food processing equipment and […]

AB TECH EXPO 2023, technologies for pastry and bakery at Sigep

AB Tech Expo – the international exhibition of technologies and products for bakery, pastry and confectionery, is back at Rimini Expo Centre together with SIGEP – The Dolce World Expo from 21st to 25th January. A double appointment, organised by Italian Exhibition Group, which acts as a community catalyst able to represent all the relevant aspects for […]

Satinox stainless steel bowls perfectly welded for over 30 years

Satinox has been manufacturing perfectly welded stainless steel bowls for more than 30 years. They are made by hands to fit the machines used to knead and mix dough for the bakery and pastry sector as well as for the chemical and pharmaceutical sector. The company was founded in 1982 and since that it has been a strong believer on the value of […]

Professional baking solutions

For Bakeries, Confectioneries, Biscuits Manufacturers, Bakery-Cafés, Hotels, Pizzerias and Fast-Food Restaurants Established in 1990, EUROPA has been selling professional ovens to a large number of bakeries, pastry and pizza shops, hotels and supermarket chains. The brand EUROPA has become synonymous with reliability and innovation, specializing in the production of commercial ovens and equipment for bread, pastry and pizza baking. Located in the North-East of […]

TP Food Group: A successful business model with a global footprint

Innovative spirit, attention to customer needs and forty years of experience in the food processing sector. With these premises, Tecnopool S.p.A. embarked in 2015 on a development and growth path which, in 2019, led to the formation of TP FOOD GROUP. The acquisitions. Over the past few years, a series of companies joined Tecnopool Group: Alit (Italy, 2015), the Gostol (Slovenia, […]

Uelzena Ingredients: milk-based ingredients for confectionery and bakery made in Germany

The company Uelzena eG is a dairy cooperative located in Northern Germany near to Hamburg. Together with its subsidiary WS Warmsener Spezialitäten GmbH the milk specialist produces high-quality milk-based ingredients under the brand “Uelzena Ingredients”. Their ingredients range for the baking, confectionery and delicatessen industry includes skimmed milk powder, buttermilk powder, anhydrous milk fat, sweetened […]