For Bakeries, Confectioneries, Biscuits Manufacturers, Bakery-Cafés, Hotels, Pizzerias and Fast-Food Restaurants
Established in 1990, EUROPA has been selling professional ovens to a large number of bakeries, pastry and pizza shops, hotels and supermarket chains.
The brand EUROPA has become synonymous with reliability and innovation, specializing in the production of commercial ovens and equipment for bread, pastry and pizza baking.
Located in the North-East of Italy, the company has always had a strong international vocation; in fact, EUROPA worked hard during the years to be present in new markets, being active now in more than 80 countries in the world, thanks to the continuous creation of simple, USER-FRIENDLY products but, at the same time, with the BEST TECHNOLOGY and 100% MADE IN ITALY.

The company grew and expanded in a very short time, leading the business over the main international markets. This could happen thanks to a dynamic team, characterized by a professional and fresh approach.
The management group has always been supported by a qualified and experienced technical staff, ready to understand market’s requirements and to meet customers’ needs. Experimentation and research, in fact, have always represented the primary purpose of this company.
Our mission is and always will be clients’ satisfaction. That’s why our high-quality products are complemented by an added value: people ready to help and guide the customers through every step of the process.
From the identification of the best product for your production to its offer, from equipment’s delivery up to the after-sales assistance, we grant quick solutions and back-up services, offering alternative strategies custom-made for your specific conditions.
The wide range of products offered by EUROPA is divided in 2 main product lines: the BLACK Line and the GREEN Line.
The BLACK LINE offers a large number of OVENS and PROVERS suitable for artisan bakers, industrial bakery/ pastry/biscuits productions and supermarket chains. In this line, you can find: rack ovens, electric deck ovens, steam tube deck ovens, multiloading deck ovens and provers.
Among all our products composing the BLACK Line, a special mention is needed for GALILEO rack ovens. Through the years, this oven has become even more complete, sophisticated and modern. Since 1997, thousands of bakeries worldwide choose to bake their typical BREAD and PASTRY products in our rotary rack oven.
Its strong points are COMPACT dimensions and SOLID structure, joining together REFINED DESIGN and FUNCTIONALITY.
This product has been created fully understanding bakers’ work routine: in fact, GALILEO has been studied to simplify the cleaning and the ordinary maintenance.
Besides, the improved combustion chamber, completely renewed with innovative technologies, has allowed to reach a very high efficiency, with surprising recovery times and very low average consumptions.
The GREEN LINE presents more COMPACT OVENS for smaller bakeries, pastry shops, biscuit manufacturers, bakery cafés and If you need small-footprint solutions and you are looking for a high-performance product in a limited space, GREEN LINE has the proper solutions for you: electric modular deck ovens, compact rotary rack ovens, minirotary rack ovens, convection ovens, combined solutions and provers.
Talking about GREEN Line, we have to talk about EDISON, which leads the idea of MULTI-PURPOSE ELECTRIC MODULAR DECK OVEN to a new, advanced level.
EDISON is available in different models, from 2 to 7 trays per deck, stackable up to 5 decks. Furthermore, EDISON ovens are available in 3 different CHAMBER CONFIGURATIONS: PASTRY, BAKERY or PIZZA.
In this way, the range can offer more than 50 solutions for PASTRY SHOPS, BAKERIES, HOTELS, FAST FOOD, RESTAURANT and PIZZERIA, allowing the customers to create the perfect partner for their own workplace.
For EUROPA, the last ones have been 30 years of ovens but, above all, 30 years of innovation: research and development, analysis supported by state-of-the-art tools, patented systems, and care for detail in every component.
This is how we build our products, by introducing and patenting new solutions, in order to make everyday life easier for bakers, pastry chefs and pizzaioli. … And the best is yet to come!